Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No news is good news I guess

I had the CT scan a week and a half ago and have heard nothing from my Oncologist. I guess that's good! I could have rung her, but I was too chicken last week, and this week have decided I don't need to!

3 years tomorrow since I had the mastectomy. I can't believe I haven't had a reconstruction. When I was first diagnosed I definitely wanted one as soon as I could. Now I'm going to the Solomons instead! Who wants more surgery and medical stuff? Not me that's for sure...

Less than 9 weeks until I leave for the Solomon Islands ... yippee!


  1. Hope all is well with your scan Katrina and how exciting is your countdown! Love your philosophy - enough medical stuff and more adventures xx

  2. Thanks Maria. I believe my scan must have been fine... all I heard as a result of my recent tests etc. is that I'm Vitamin D deficient. So am taking supplements for that now. Just another tablet to add to the bedtime regime! The Solomon Islands should fix my Vitamin D levels, probably too much!

    My countdown is pretty exciting. Less than 7 weeks now.... about time to start freaking out about everything I have to do before I go! I've done the important things though - organised my going away party and found a home for my dog :)

    You hang in there and take care Maria. xx

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